Greater Michigan (MI) Realty specializes in converting For Sale By Owner (FSBO) into Flat Fee MLS Listings. We implement this program for almost all of the Flat Fee MLS advertisers in Michigan. We list your house on the local MLS and
You might have found other websites that talk about these flat fee or for sale by owner programs, but most of these are advertising companies with a network of brokers and realtors. We actually implement most of these other companies programs. They are marketing our Silver Package. Please call us, we have the answers to ALL your questions.
We help you Save Thousands with our Flat Fee MLS listing programs!
• Platinum $799
• Gold $599
• Sterling Silver $499
• Silver $349
• Bronze $299
People across Michigan including For Sale By Owners (FSBO) are using our Flat Fee MLS Listing tools to sell their houses and SAVE MONEY . Our value packed flat fee packages include everything needed to successfully market your property, including listing on the local MLS and Call us now to help you understand how we can save your thousands!
Keywords: flat fee mls michigan, flat fee mls, fsbo, for sale by owner, for sale by owner michigan, house for sale, sell home