Interior House Painting
At Motor City Painting, quality painting & competitive prices, backed by our renowned customer service is what we’re all about. We’re know for giving homes a fresh new look to add more value to your home, and increase the beauty and presence of your home. Our experienced crew has over 30 years of residential and commercial painting experience working on all types of homes, businesses, commercial and industrial sites. We come prepared with all the tools, equipment, and painting solutions needed to get the job done right the first time. Motor City Painting is licensed & insured, and has been serving areas like Rochester Hills, Oakland Township, Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, Troy, Shelby Township and many other towns where we have delivered high-quality exterior home painting services at affordable prices for more than a decade.
Residential and Commercial Painting done right!
Fast & Helpful Customer Service and Support - At Motor City Painting, we take our commitment to each and every customer very seriously. Every project has a dedicated project manager who will supervise the project from start to finish and ensure that you are kept fully up to date. Motor City Painting proudly offers 100% free estimate appointments which include a complimentary color consultation. After your completed appointment, your estimator will provide you with a detailed estimate in 24 hours or less.
Keywords: Interior House Painting, Exterior House Painting, Residential Interior Painting, Residential Exterior Painting, Commercial Interior Painting, Commercial Exterior Painting, Epoxy Flooring, Sheetrock Repair and Installation, Plastering Services, Retail Store Painting, Wallpaper Removal and Installation, Kitchen Painting, Bedroom Painting, Bathroom Painting, Basement Painting