Detroit Profitable Properties (DPP)
Detroit Profitable Properties (DPP) helps people find the right real estate investment properties in and surrounding Detroit for any investor’s portfolio, not a property management company. We work with local and international investors. We specialize in helping people find the right, profitable new investment properties to add to your portfolio, and we solve issues with your problem properties you already have.
We perform property evaluations, an analysis for your current or potential property, help you obtain fair rental value estimates (to determine potential ROI), estimate repair costs, rehab properties, transfer property titles, emergency board-up property service, and evict delinquent tenants. We are licensed and insured, and we use certified technicians and licensed contractors.
Call (248) 206-3047 to learn more about they can help improve real estate portfolios in the City of Detroit and the surrounding Metro Detroit suburbs, like Southfield, Farmington Hills, Oak Park, Eastpointe, and Harper Woods.
Keywords: Detroit property management, Oakland County, Wayne County, Southfield, Eastpointe, Metro Detroit, Detroit property investor services, Detroit fair rent value, Detroit FRV estimation, Detroit property rehab, property repair costs, Detroit title transfer, how to determine if a Detroit property is a good investment, after repair value, how to determine ARV on a Detroit property,